Charge Capture
A hospital, like most businesses, has to be able to appropriately charge and reconcile all services it provides for its patients. Because every patient experience is unique, billing is complex as processes and systems can be disjointed. When you consider the enormous task of ensuring that each patient is thoroughly and compliantly charged for all pharmaceuticals, services, and supplies, not to mention other factors such as insurance requirements, the ability to effectively capture it all in the patient’s EHR is challenging to say the least — which leads to lost revenue, especially in the OR. In the OR, medications are administered first and documented later, making way for error.
Whether you bill on dispense or bill on administration, Codonics has a solution to help you capture patient-related costs to improve revenue.

Bill On Dispense
In the operating room, Codonics Safe Label System integrates with anesthesia dispensing cabinets (ADCs) to improve the accuracy and thoroughness of charge capture during a case. To help ensure medications are charged to the patient, we’ve integrated our systems so that with a single scan of a vial or ampoule on SLS, the NDC data of that drug is automatically passed to the cart, instantly documenting the medication to ensure charge capture while simultaneously decrementing the inventory to decrease stock outs in the OR. In pharmacy, this process improves billing and inventory, reduces cycle counting, helps ensure medication safety and increases TJC compliance. The result: better patient outcomes, improved charge capture, ensured safety and compliance.
Bill On Administration
SLS-WAVE, when combined with Safe Label System as a total solution for the OR, is a robust and highly accurate “hands-free” scanner that integrates with Epic Anesthesia and Plexus Anesthesia Touch. Situated conveniently within the anesthesia workflow, SLS-WAVE can be affixed to the Epic monitor or an IV pole, keeping the patient within reach. On the way to the port, the clinician simply “waves” an SLS prepared syringe (or most prefilled syringes) past SLS-WAVE and the NDC data is electronically passed to the AIMS/EHR workspace, significantly improving workflow. Simultaneously, the drug name and concentration are visually displayed to ensure safety and prevent syringe swaps. This process greatly increases the accuracy of NDC data to improve charge capture and decrease inventory discrepancies, and – for the first time – extends BCMA to the operating room to close the loop.
Let us help you realize your charge capture potential today! We can help reduce the countless hours of cycle counting in the operating room enabling you to reallocate your pharmacy resources on more important things — like the patient.