BCMA in the OR
Think about the countless hours your pharmacy spends following-up to properly document medications administered in the OR. Unlike the floors where there is a well-defined, closed-loop system by which documentation precedes administration, the OR lacks even a written order. The anesthesia provider administers drugs based on the patient’s needs and often post-documents. This process is often incomplete, prone to errors, and results in an extraordinary amount of manual, time-consuming paperwork for pharmacy. All too often, the paper trail cannot be easily recreated and can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost charge capture opportunities. Even ORs equipped with an Anesthesia Information Management System (AIMS) requires scrolling through columns of medications in search of the exact drug administered, resulting in an inefficient and error-prone process. There’s a faster better way!
Now, for the first time, SLS-WAVE extends BCMA to the OR, introducing a paradigm shift to this intense area of the hospital. Used in conjunction with Safe Label System, SLS-WAVE integrates with Epic AIMS and Plexus TG Anesthesia Touch to enable clinicians to electronically document “hands-free”. A quick scan of the prepared medication’s barcode past SLS-WAVE on the way to the port passes the exact NDC data from every medication administered to the AIMS for documentation in the patient record. This solution greatly increases the accuracy of NDC data in the operating room for improved charge capture, billing accuracy and thorough documentation at administration to electronically close the loop.