Medication Safety Partner
Simplify and improve medication management safety in the operating room with Codonics Safe Label System and the BD Pyxis Anesthesia Station. Today hospitals face enormous pressure to track medication inventory from the pharmacy to the OR, to comply with regulations and control spiraling inventory costs. Both the BD Pyxis Anesthesia Station and Codonics SLS help simplify complex OR medication preparation and administration processes.
- Spec Sheet: SLS600 Point of Care
- Brochure: Common Sign-On/Sign-Off
- Brochure: Pyxis + Safe Label System + SLS-WAVE OR solution
- Brochure: Pyxis and SLS integration
- Brochure: Pyxis and SLS
- Brochure: Pyxis Anesthesia ES system
- Brochure: Pyxis Anesthesia system 4000
- Brochure: Pyxis Anesthesia ES System / Codonics SLS Integration
- Case Study: St. Vincent Charity Hospital
- Press Release: Global Joint Development Agreement with Codonics
- Press Release: Carefusion and Codonics sign agreement
- Article: Headwaters among first hospitals to utilize automated drug technology
- Video: SLS Installation Training
- www.bd.com
Interested in a demo?
“In August 2016, Palmetto Health Richland deployed 31 Pyxis Anesthesia medication stations alongside the highly acclaimed Codonics SLS safety system in all the operating room (OR) suites and Labor and Delivery. The combined system not only simplifies medication management and regulatory compliance, but greatly improves patient safety by increasing anesthesia provider efficiency through medication availability, coupled with ease and accuracy of documentation of medication administration in the highly complex OR setting. Furthermore, Pyxis Anesthesia is located in each anesthetizing area, reducing and/or eliminating of the need to obtain a multi-patient controlled substance pack, which ensures providing the next level of security and safety for our providers and patients. The addition of the Codonics Safe Label System adds audio/visual confirmation and an American Society of Anesthesiology standardized colored label to augment safe and accurate medication preparation in the fast-paced OR setting. The addition of Pyxis Anesthesia/Codonics provides our team members in Anesthesia, Peri-Operative Services and Pharmacy another tool to amplify safety in support of our Vision: To be remembered by each patient as providing the care and compassion we want for our families and ourselves.”
George R. Smith, Pharm.D., BCPS — OR Pharmacy Supervisor, Robotic IntraVenous Automation (RIVA) Supervisor, Palmetto Health Richland“In a short time since implementing the Pyxis Anesthesia system and the Codonics Safe Label System, our clinicians have reported medication safety and workflow enhancements. Among them, we have experienced less variability in the medication administration process and enhanced verification methods, which have helped prevent dosage errors.”
Sal Morana, RPh, PhD — COO and Vice President - Professional Services, Porter Medical Center“SLS is deployed in our ORs, anesthesia areas and in our medical / surgical unit where it is seamlessly integrated with our EMR for barcoding at the bedside. We can quickly, conveniently and accurately label our medications for syringes and IVs anywhere. SLS has improved patient safety and become an invaluable tool for our clinicians.”
Sal Morana, RPh, PhD — COO and Vice President - Professional Services, Porter Medical Center“We deployed Codonics Safe Label Systems across our health system after a six week evaluation in our operating rooms in 2012. We wanted a system that would improve patient safety within the OR, as well as help our pharmacy to comply with TJC standards and requirements for syringe preparation and handling. This system, “SLS”, provides labeling options that include the drug name, diluents, dilution percentage, preparation date/time, expiration date/time, preparer’s initials, warning and message alerts, and a barcode. The barcode interfaces with our anesthesia information management system (AIMS), connects to our EHR and allows us to extend our current BCMA initiatives into the OR. We have received positive feedback from nurses, anesthesiologists and other surgical personnel and have witnessed many benefits since implementation over the past year. Not only have we averted the need to hire additional FTEs to maintain the formulary (which can be easily customized and provides real-time e-mail alerts to notify appropriate staff of key events, including when a drug cannot be found, is not approved, or should not be used with a specific patient), but we have also experienced increased productivity in the OR as the time required for label creation has diminished. Likewise, we have enjoyed improvements in medication management, patient safety, medication accuracy, and overall compliance. We have since purchased additional units and every one of our OR’s now has the system. SLS integrates with anesthesia carts for efficient, safe access and labeling of medications. This is a great system that no OR should be without.”
David Brudapast — Director of Pharmacy, St. Vincent Charity Medical Center